
Are Labour faking photos in Bristol?

Here’s the evidence from Bristol. Judge for yourself.

First, the background: Busharat Ali is the Labour candidate in Lawrence Hill ward, Bristol. He didn’t like being attacked in a Liberal Democrat leaflet over Blair and Iraq.

He responded with a leaflet that said: “I was on the National March in London against the Iraq war” and had this photo next to those words:

Questionable Photograph From Labour Leaflet In Bristol

The photo does not have a caption and, being next to the text it is, is clearly meant to illustrate him being on the march against the Iraq war. The photo is a pretty poor quality in the original Labour leaflet by the way, hence the rather pixelated image above. (And to check the context, you can view the full Labour leaflet here).

Now here’s the funny thing – have a look at this photo, which is from Moonbat Media:

London Protest Photo Which Was Doctored For Labour Bristol Leaflet

Looks familiar doesn’t it? Save that it is a different person at the front of the photo. Oh, and this photo is really one of a group of pro-Hezbollah supporters rather than people marching against the Iraq war.

So here are the questions:

a. Is the photo in the Labour leaflet genuine?
b. And even if it is, is it really a photo of him opposing the war in Iraq or is it really a photo of him supporting Hezbollah?

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