
Chances are I’ll ignore you if you’re moaning about how awful the UK is with dealing with snow…

You see, that’s because:

(1) We get serious snow far less frequently than other countries. So stands to reason they spend more money on being able to deal with snow doesn’t it? Unless that is you’re keen on paying up more money for snow clearing equipment that hardly ever gets used?

(2) And while we’re talking about other countries, have you noticed how people in them are much more likely to clear snow from outside their own homes? You have cleared the snow from your own before moaning, haven’t you?

(3) And yes, a bit of forward planning is sensible. So that’d be why you’ve gone to the local grit bin, taken some grit and gritted the pavement and road outside your home in good time isn’t it? Rural residents may be excused this one…

(Here ends the rant. Enjoy the snow. Throw a few snowballs. Hope you don’t fall over. And go on, just clear a little bit of snow…)

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