
iPad: initial reactions running 2:1 positive

This week’s launch of Apple’s iPad has generated a huge amount of media and online coverage (a cynic would say rather too much for a firm that has such a small share of the global mobile phone and computer markets).

In classic Apple fashion, the first version of their new product looks great but lacks several basic features which have been available on other devices for years, such as with the iPad’s inability to run multiple programs at the same time. However, what can make or break a new device – and decide whether or not it has the chance to improve through future versions – is the initial reaction.

So how has the initial reaction gone for the iPad? One of the advantages of the move of so much news and views to the internet is that it is possible to very quickly trawl a wide range of sources to answer that question.

A look through reactions show far (using the Radian67 monitoring tool) shows that positive coverage outnumbers negative coverage by just under 2:1 (63% to 34%, with 3% mixed and excluding coverage neutral in tone).

That 2:1 ratio isn’t bad, but it certainly rather muted given all the pre-launch hype and the very successful launch of the original iPod.

0 responses to “iPad: initial reactions running 2:1 positive”

  1. Did they mention that iTampon was a trending topic on twitter? Anyone who buys one of these things is going to get the piss taken something chronic, and it will only get worse.

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