
General election date: the thing I don't understand…

… is why there appears to be a group of Conservative supporters who (a) are convinced Gordon Brown is an indecisive bottler but also (b) at the slightest whiff of news (the sun has come up! a Labour councillor left his home 10 minutes earlier than usual! my mother’s uncle’s nephew works at the council and isn’t take a holiday next week as usual!) are convinced that Gordon Brown is about to be decisive and shocking by calling an early election.

Meanwhile, here’s a rather good set of reasons from Left Foot Forward why there won’t be an election before May 6.

PS Here is the timetable for combined local and general elections on May 6.

4 responses to “General election date: the thing I don't understand…”

  1. They don’t mention the obvious fact that Labour don’t have candidates in a number of their held seats as so many MPs have recently announced that they are standing down.

  2. And a March election would mean that polling day is before start of the next tax year.

    I’m working on the assumption that it maybe desirable for some of the electorate to see their pay slip before their voting papers.

    (From the Chancellor’s perspective)

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