
Race equality and the Liberal Democrats

That’s the title of a pamphlet from Liberal Democrat Equality Spokesperson Lynne Featherstone and published by the Runnymede Trust.

It starts:

Over half of Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Black African children in the UK are growing up in poverty. Infant mortality is more than twice as high among Pakistani and Caribbean groups than white British children. Almost every ethnic minority group earns less than white British workers in the same profession.

These are some of the problems that underline the need for a real, long-term solution to alleviate the vast inequalities faced by Britain’s minority ethnic groups.

The problems that face ethnic minority groups today are substantial, but what do the Liberal Democrats propose can be done to address them?

The answers include the name-blank employment policy pioneered by Lynne (to avoid subconscious bias at early stages in the recruitment process) and are laid out in the pamphlet, which you can read in full here.

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