
If a party’s leader visits a constituency it doesn’t hold three times…

… in the space of a few months, it’s a pretty big clue that the party believes it has a strong chance of winning – and almost certainly has polling or canvass data analysis to back it up.

I’m thinking of Nick Clegg and Luton South.

And why am I thinking of Luton South? Because of today’s Times which, apart from a most excellent page 16, made rather a misjudgement in reporting on Luton South and not mentioning Liberal Democrat candidate Qurban Hussain even once.

Online comment gets offline coverage Times, p16

PS Michael Crick has been wondering why “in four leaflets the Lib Dem Qurban Hussain tells us of his work as a local councillor, but nothing of his job”. Ah, you could have just asked Michael. He used to work for a trust getting people back in to work, but quit his job a few months ago to dedicate himself full-time to his campaign. Personally I think someone taking the risk of just working full-time on their election campaign is usually something to be admired, regardless of which party the person is from.

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