
Agree with Nick, too? Here’s 4 things you can do today #iagreewithnick

You’ve watched the debate, you’ve heard Nick Clegg, and like millions of others you like what you saw and heard. But what next?

Here are four simple things you can do to help turn Nick’s words into
actions that bring about real change and make Britain fairer:

1. Join the Liberal Democrats:

Politics isn’t about one man bands: Nick Clegg and Vince Cable need a strong team behind them supporting their work.

2. Show others online that you support Nick Clegg:

“I’d vote Lib Dem if they had a chance of winning” is one of the most frequently made comments about the party. Well, the way to show people that the party does have a chance of winning is to show just how many supporters we do have:

  • Tweet with the hashtag #iagreewithnick
  • Join the Facebook group [now closed]

3. Find your local candidate and offer to help them:

Elections aren’t just won online. Whether it’s putting a leaflet in your window, delivering some leaflets or more – helping out near where you live can give a Lib Dem candidate a big boost Find your local candidate at the Lib Dem wesbsite.

4. Donate to the Liberal Democrat Voice election appeal:

Click here to make a donation TODAY.
We’re running an online fundraising drive to help five Lib Dem candidates, all of whom we know personally and are or would make fantastic MPs. Over £1,000 has been donated so far, but we need much more than that to compete with the Labservatives big funders in the trade unions and big business.

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