
The fake Labour bar chart: coming soon to a letterbox near you

At their party conference, Labour were distributing various nationally produced full colour leaflets for local use. One of them – about crime – includes a bar chart.

“Ah,” I hear some of you say, “but how can a national leaflet contain an accurate and reasonable bar chart for use locally?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” I hear some of  you say, “it’d be a national bar chart, won’t it? Perhaps the number of MPs in Parliament? That would be same wherever the leaflet goes out.”

Well – that would be a decent excuse. Except that here’s the bar chart which the leaflet contains:
Labour Bar Chart On Crime Leaflet

Doesn’t look like a national set of figures somehow does it? In other words, they’d be – to use the technical term – “made up”.

And now, doubtless, cue the comments from Labour hacks ignoring any of the this evidence and instead saying, “oh, but you can’t criticise us, how dare you, you’re so awful you know, and we’re all quite wonderful, you’re just awful, awful, awful”.