
Two-thirds of voters oppose a ‘blind-date Brexit’

So reports The Observer of a new ICM opinion poll:

Only a third of UK voters support Brexit unconditionally, according to a poll that suggests a widespread wish for the government to share the terms of the UK’s departure from Europe before it embarks on the process…

The new poll – for online campaign group Avaaz – finds that 33% of voters support Brexit unconditionally. Almost a quarter (23%) oppose it unconditionally, 32% say it depends on the terms of the deal and 12% are undecided.

“Theresa May is wrong if she thinks she has public support for a blind-date Brexit,” said Alex Wilks, Avaaz’s campaign director. “Two-thirds of people in the country don’t back Brexit at any cost, and the prime minister must therefore make her plan fully transparent to parliament and the public.”

That level of public opinion is particular significant given the Liberal Democrat push for Article 50 only to be triggered alongside a commitment to a referendum on the specific outcome of the Brexit talks.

That push has gathered the support of over 80 MPs already, along with the hostility of the Daily Mail (“up pops cocky Mr Farron to confirm this paper’s worst fears”).

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