
My priorities for the next three years

What should the priorities be for the Liberal Democrat Federal Party President over the next three years? Here’s my answer to that, in my latest campaign video short:

One of the reasons it’s so important we continuing on the election winning streak we’ve created since the 2019 setback is the possibility of securing electoral reform for the House of Commons:

For more about how we can keep that progress growing, and accelerate it, see my full campaign video:

Liberal Democrat party members should have had their ballots for our internal elections by now. If you haven’t, drop an email to elections@libdems.org.uk

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One response to “My priorities for the next three years”

  1. when, one day, there is a need to elect a new leader of the party, can you make sure that the procedures are in place, ie review them ahead of time, for a swift and efficient nomination-hustings-election-handover, to show the Tories how it should be done..?
    Their system is so obviously flawed, dealing up a succession of unsuitable people to be their leader, but then we do have a far better approval and selection process to be a PPC than they do.!

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