
The five blogs nicest to the Lib Dems in 2007

Based on the amount of traffic they’ve passed on to www.libdems.org.uk during 2007, the top five blogs were:

  1. Liberal Democrat Voice
  2. Iain Dale
  3. Ming Campbell
  4. Lynne Featherstone
  5. Liberal England

Although LDV and Ming’s site regularly had links through to the party’s site, none of the others did. Iain Dale’s presence at number two isn’t though simply a reflection of his traffic levels: something I’ve noticed on other sites too is that links from Iain Dale often drive far more traffic relative to Iain’s readership than links from other people. Not sure though what it is about readers of that site that makes them more willing to click through to stories than readers of other sites! Lynne and Jonathan’s presence in the top five probably reflects (roughly speaking) their traffic levels relative to other Liberal Democrat blogs, as neither of them are particularly heavy linkers to www.libdems.org.uk either.

In the second-half of 2006 the top five were:

  1. Guido Fawkes
  2. Iain Dale
  3. Lynne Featherstone
  4. Ming Campbell
  5. Recess Monkey

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