
Anyone fancy a job as a UKIP press officer?

This is the gem a current press office came up with when their MEP, Godfrey Bloom, was struggling with journalists’ questions about his views on women:

His press officer chipped in to explain: “I think people don’t understand the difference between slut and slag, maybe it’s something to do with the lack of grammar schools in our education system.”

There should be a vacancy some time soon…

22 responses to “Anyone fancy a job as a UKIP press officer?”

  1. lordbonkers attached is my CV below is my covering letter
    The EEC smells of wee, the EU smells of poo
    Do I get the job?

  2. RichardLafette I’d probably enjoy it if that’s what they wanted: “No, Michael, you see, Godfrey IS just a massive fucking idiot.”

  3. andyjameshicks It was an afternoon of great hilarity. People are genuinely suggesting that UKIP should have a conference every week.

  4. Did anyone notice Farage’s  off mike words when he was answering questions? You could hear clearly-  “That went down well- we can piss off now”

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