
Oh dear, it looks like Haringey Council hasn’t cracked answering the phone

Haringey Council’s ability to answer the phone collapsed dreadfully last year and the year before, with more than 1 in 3 phone calls from residents to the central call centre simply not getting answered at all.

What’s more, Haringey’s own target was only to answer 9 in 10 calls. It says something shocking about the Labour-run council that it thought aiming to fail to answer 1 in 10 calls was a good idea, and even then fell well short of that.

As a result, despite bluster from various Labour activists about how outrageous it was to mention this 1 in 3 figure, millions of pounds were spent on consultants to help Haringey work out how to answer the phone. (My own 2p version: is the phone ringing? if yes, answer it.)

All however is not rosy to judge by this:

Somehow I don’t think Haringey Council is going to be losing its crown as one of the most complained about councils in the whole country any time soon.

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