
Tony Greaves passes away

Extremely sad news: Liberal Democrat peer and councillor Tony Greaves passed away earlier today.

Tony played a huge role in the party’s survival in the 1970s and our huge local government growth subsequently. He was first elected himself to Colne Borough Council as it was back then 50 years ago and won many more elections since. As he once told Adrian Slade, “I couldn’t keep away from getting myself elected to something”.

He’s been a valued colleague over several decades, often forthright and frank, always with liberalism as his driving force.

Tony was the first ever staff member for the Association of Liberal Councillors (ALC, the predecessor to ALDC) from 1977 to 1985. As Tim Pickstone, current ALDC Chief Executive, puts it, he was, “responsible for leading the organisation into one which led the growth of local campaigning and ultimately the number of Liberal and Liberal Democrat councillors.”

He was a long-standing councillor in Pendle and made a life peer during Charles Kennedy’s time as party leader.

Love and condolences to his family and many friends.

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