
It’s fun campaigning for Sarah Green in Chesham and Amersham

It’s fun.

Not fun in the grim sense of ‘mandatory fun session at work’.

But fun in the sense of lots of people being in, lots of people being polite, lots of people willing to talk, lots of Lib Dem posters appearing and lots of trees (beautiful to look at and they make campaigning in the rain a rather drier experience than you might expect).

Of course you might expect me to say that given my current role in the party. But aside from the veracity that comes from me having already made five trips over to help, just look at the response on social media from other Liberal Democrats who have been to help. There’s a regular flow of messages saying things along the lines of ‘the reception was so great that I’m going back and hope you will go help too’.

Bonus fun to be had as well by the proximity of the Conservative HQ and one of the Lib Dem HQs:

And some enjoyably challenging addresses to find:

If you can, please do head over and campaign for Sarah:

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