
Redditch Labour councillor switches to Lib Dems

The Redditch Standard reports:

Councillor Kerrie Miles of Batchley and Brockhill has said the Lib Dems are the only party that offer ‘real solutions’:

“Now more than ever, it’s crucial to have an economy that is fair, prosperous, and innovative, promoting both opportunity and well-being.

“Access to good public services and a robust social safety net is vital, as is a sustainable and flourishing environment with equitable access to nature for all.

“The Liberal Democrats are the only party that is committed to delivering these ideals.” …

Chair of Redditch Liberal Democrats, Andy Thompson added:…

“She is a true community champion and a great fit for a political party which prides itself on working hard for its communities. We are thrilled to have a Liberal Democrat representative on Redditch Borough Council and look forward to being a voice for residents across the borough, fighting to make Redditch a better place to live and work.”

Kerrie Miles becomes the first Liberal Democrat councillor on Redditch Council for over a decade.

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