
Liberal Democrats against control orders: sign up

Control Orders cause screenshotOver on Facebook, ‘Liberal Democrats against control orders’ does what it says on the tin – it’s a Facebook Cause for Liberal Democrats who think control orders should not be continued by the Coalition Government.

The Liberal Democrats, many in the Conservative Party and indeed former senior people in the security and prosecution communities have long argued that control orders are ineffective in the short run and counter-productive in the long run, not to mention contrary to democratic principles. (I nearly wrote ‘liberal principles’, which is also true – but in fact the basic values of giving people a chance to defend themselves in the knowledge of the case against them is a broad democratic principle that is shared right across the political spectrum.)

The issue itself is the subject of much debate within the Coalition at the moment, so here’s one easy way to help put some pressure on: sign up.

And if you want to take a second step, why not contact Nick Clegg?

2 responses to “Liberal Democrats against control orders: sign up”

  1. Thank you Mark! The more supporters we get the better. There have been reports (by Andrew Rawnsley etc) of huge internal rows within the coalition about this between the Lib Dem leadership and the Conservatives who are being frightened by the security services, although last week’s Observer suggested a softening of security services stance: http://bit.ly/aXZCtb

    The Control Order scheme is a scandal and must be scrapped. If you want to find out more, please read the response to the Counter Terrorism Review prepared by Liberty http://bit.ly/cxhHw1 All support is very very welcome. Thanks again. Jo

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