
The Brexiters idolise defeat as glorious. Shame they didn’t put that on their bus

Glorious defeat is meant to be glorious. But it’s also a defeat. Which for those who pay the price is rather different from the glories of inspiring rhetoric.

This is brought to mind by the recent burst of Brexiters cheering on defeat as being something admirable and even desirable.

First, there was Andrea Jenkyns talking up the wonders of defeat:
Andrew Jenkyns MP tweet on how it is better to go down fighting
Then there was Theresa May’s former top advisor, Nick Timothy:

Of course, he’s smart enough to know that Boudicca ended up defeated, thousands slaughtered and even probably took her own life to avoid capture. The difference between this and glorious victory, however, he discounts in the article in Boris Johnson style with a dismissive “whatever the details…”. Hardly details for those who pay the price.

I don’t remember the Brexiters putting such odes to having a plan end in defeat on the side of their bus.

One response to “The Brexiters idolise defeat as glorious. Shame they didn’t put that on their bus”

  1. The London City election. Thanks for giving me info on what happens their. Labour have now info of who lives their. This could give them useful info in future about the City.? Did they have an ‘Independent’ Labour in the mix? I understand the City is big in the countries financial sphere for future, something to think about.
    I notice that independents are doing well in elections. Is this a sign that the old parties are loosing influence? Is it time to recruit them to our cause ,especially if they have same policy thoughts as we?

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