
Public views government worst on the most important issues

Worryingly for the government, the more important a policy area is to the public, the worse the public rates the government on it in new polling from Ipsos:


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2 responses to “Public views government worst on the most important issues”

  1. One part of the UK, Wales, has had a Labour devolved government non-stop for quarter of a century. Wales has its NHS run by Labour and in a worse condition than anywhere else in the UK – fewer nurses, doctors, ambulances and longer waiting lists than anywhere else. The education system, also run by Labour, has worse outcomes than anywhere else and the bureaucratic interference is petty so that, for example, schools are not permitted to purchase food supplies from local suppliers. Just about all public services are inferior and all Welsh Labour does is field the excuse that they are ‘given’ insufficient funds by Westminster. They never try to get the Barnett Formula altered despite there having been several Labour governments in London since Barnett was introduced nearly fifty years ago.

  2. Slide 21 of IPSOS put Tories and Lib Dems both on 24% with Lin Dems having a better result after deducting those favourable to the Party against those viewing unfavourably.

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