
A bit of old school communicating

Today’s Evening Standard ran this letter from me:

The polls are showing not just a surge in Lib Dems support but a big increase in the number of young backers of the party, and in the number of people saying they will vote overall.

For the Tories to counter that energy with negative tactics, including “putting the fear of God into the electorate” over getting Brown again as PM, as Matthew d’Ancona suggests, will be deeply counter-productive, painting the Conservatives ever more distinctly an old party, wedded to the old ways.

It’s a reaction against all this which is bringing so many new people into politics.

Mark Pack, LibDemVoice.org

UPDATE: However, things turned out rather differently.

One response to “A bit of old school communicating”

  1. ‘putting the fear of God into the electorate’ – the Tories just cant help themselves – they know they shouldnt but they will!
    Is this the perfect storm?

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