
North Shropshire Conservative candidate’s attacks on the NHS

I’m not sure the Conservatives really thought through their selection of a Birmingham lawyer with a track record of criticising the NHS for the North Shropshire by-election:

Neil Shastri-Hurst criticised NHS in now-deleted blog posts

The contrast with Helen Morgan is striking.

As Daisy Cooper said:

People will be disgusted that he’s said that the NHS is not worth fighting for, and that NHS workers on the frontline of the pandemic are not heroes.

Families in North Shropshire deserve a strong local champion who stands up for better health services, not a Conservative who doesn’t even seem to believe in a publicly funded NHS that is accessible to all – Liberal Democrat Helen is that person.

I’m not sure other Conservative MPs are helping their own party much either:

UPDATE: Perhaps it’s not a surprise that the Conservative candidate is avoiding the media.

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