
Thank you, Keith Aspden

Liberal Democrats will soon be gathering in York for a welcome return to our in-person federal conferences. It will also though be the last time we have a conference in York with Cllr Keith Aspden as the council leader. He’s announced that he’s standing down in May:

Liberal Democrat Cllr Aspden has served as a local councillor for 20 years, representing Fulford since 2003 and Fulford and Heslington since 2015.

He has led the Liberal Democrat group since 2013 and has been the council leader since 2019.

Cllr Aspden said he was taking the opportunity to return to his career in education.

Cllr Nigel Ayre, local councillor for Heworth Without and executive member for finance and major projects, will become the new Liberal Democrat group leader.

A Lib Dem group spokesperson said Cllr Aspden had led the city through the Covid pandemic.

They added: “Under his leadership, the Liberal Democrat-led administration has secured £540 million investment in the city and region through devolution, progressed the £700 million York Central project to its furthest stage, delivered hundreds of affordable homes, protected and expanded the city’s libraries, secured crucial Purple Flag status for York, created a new community woodland, and secured significant new investment and jobs in the city, including the new government hub.” [The Press, York]

Thank you for all you’ve done, Keith.

Fun fact: Heslington is where I once had to go canvassing on eve of poll to find a voter who was happy to talk and had their polling, so that I could find the new location of the polling station to put on some last minute literature.

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