
Lib Dem amendment on Gaza tabled in Parliament

Here’s the full text of the amendment to the King’s Speech motion in the House of Commons tabled by the Liberal Democrats regarding events in Israel and Gaza:

At end add ‘but respectfully regret that the Gracious Speech does not explicitly acknowledge that only a two-state solution can deliver the security that both Palestinians and Israelis deserve; believe that Hamas cannot be allowed to continue in charge of Gaza; further regret that it fails to address the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza affecting millions of innocent Palestinians, the ongoing hostage situation and the risk of regional escalation; believe it is increasingly clear that there will be no military solution that eliminates Hamas and that movement towards a political solution is needed; urge the Government to lead calls for an immediate bilateral ceasefire to provide space to achieve that political solution; further believe that this must not be an end goal but a step towards a two-state solution; note that such a ceasefire would be contingent upon the agreement of both parties; disagree with persons or bodies who advocate freezing the conflict which would leave Hamas in charge of Gaza; and further note that such a ceasefire would provide time to facilitate the delivery of aid into Gaza, facilitate the release of hostages and support diplomatic efforts towards delivering a political solution with Hamas removed from Gaza, two states and lasting peace.’

As Layla Moran put it on X/Twitter:

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