
Anti-Brexit campaign Liz Webster selected in The Cotswolds

Lib Dem poster and campaigners - photo courtesy of the Lib Dems CC BY-ND 2 0

The members of the Cotswold Liberal Democrats have selected leading Brexit campaigner Liz Webster as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC).

Liz Webster lives on a farm at the edge of the Cotswolds and, having lived and run her own business in the area for over 26 years, feels she is very much in tune with the constituency and the thirst for change which exists in it.

She was thrown into the media spotlight and subsequently entered the political arena when her son suffered horrendous life-threatening injuries from a violent assault at school: “Experiencing the reality of what racial tension can lead to ensured I wanted to do everything possible to stop it happening again”.

She is a well-known figure in the Remain campaign, campaigning on Article 50 and speaking at the London march in 2017. Assisted by a team of lawyers she also took the government to court in the same year with a crowdfunded campaign named the “Article 50 Challenge” which raised £200,000 in nine months and built a powerful social media platform.

Liz Webster says:

Brexit has ensured the polarisation of both the Labour and Conservative parties, as well as eroding the rule of law and threatening the economy, public services and civil liberties. We must amplify our message that the Liberal Democrats want to stop Brexit by demanding a final say on the Brexit deal.

An exit from Brexit will boost growth, wages, business investments and tax revenues. We are also the only Party which will bring fairness and opportunity to all, building a tolerant and open Britain in which everyone is able to fulfill their potential. With Brexit reality crystallising to shatter the dreams of the 52%, the Lib Dems will be seen as the party on the right side of history. Now is the time to capitalise on this and promote our manifesto for change.

There’s a full list of Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate selections so far here, and some starter advice for the newly selected here.

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