
How to rebuild our relationship with Europe after Brexit

Globe map showing Europe
Image by MichaelGaida from Pixabay.

Writing for The Independent, Layla Moran says:

It’s been three years since we left the European Union – and three years since barriers to commerce with our largest trading partner were put in place. With Brexit, Britain entered into the first trade deal in history that increased friction, rather than reduced it.

Small businesses are now entangled in red tape, making it harder for the NHS and care homes to get the staff they need, and preventing UK scientists from accessing vital funding for their research. Threats to break international law over the Northern Ireland Protocol have not been withdrawn – a remarkable decision given the need to work closely with our allies and partners in response to the invasion of Ukraine. The Retained EU Law Bill is being brought forward, which – despite its rather dry title – threatens to rip up many of the high-quality standards and regulations which we currently enjoy, in vitally important areas like environmental standards and protecting workers’ rights.

Rather than simply complain about the problems, we need to start addressing the reality of the situation we find ourselves in – and find solutions.

Read about the solutions in the full piece, which are based on the four-step plan agreed by Liberal Democrat members at party conference last year.

In related news, there’s this from Bloomberg which echoes earlier research:

Brexit Is Costing the UK £100 Billion a Year in Lost Output
Business investment is weaker, labor shortages more acute

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